Peer assessment tutorial

Rubric: Reflection

Reflection is the most important factor on our rubric. It is essential to continuous learning. You need to make sure the learner has got this right, even if only at a basic level, in their evidence submission. Watch the video, read the text and complete the practice assessments activity below to find out what to look for.

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The reflection factor is what makes SSSC Open Badges different to the traditional online learning people have become use to.

As assessors we are looking for the submission to be written in the first person, show understanding of the topic and be clear on what actions the learner will take to improve their practice because of their learning.

You will be asked to choose between three options when assessing this factor; needs work, satisfactory and excellent. Below are a few indicators of what you should look for in making your decision.

Needs work indicators

  • Evidence submitted consists mostly of words like you, your, our, we or staff where the learner could have used I, me or my.
  • Learner lists or repeats things from the learning materials without offering any insight into why these are relevant to their own practice.
  • The learner fails to mention what actions they will take to improve their future practice or only speaks about what other people will do.
  • Instead of identifying future improvements, the learner focuses on things they already know or do well.

Satisfactory indicators

  • Learner mostly uses words like I, me and my throughout any answers talking about their own learning and practice.
  • Learner explains why what they learned is important to them.
  • Learner explains how what they learned might improve their future practice.
  • Learner writes about the actions they need to take to improve their practice.

Excellent indicators

  • Learner uses words like I, me and my consistently throughout any answers talking about their own learning and practice.
  • Learner identifies significant improvement(s) they can make to their future practice and is clear about how they will achieve this.
  • Learner shows they understand the effect their actions will have on outcomes for people who are using their service.
  • Learner indicates how they will evaluate or seek feedback on any changes they make to their practice.

Failing to achieve a satisfactory score here means the submission will be returned to the applicant for more work regardless of how they score elsewhere.

Try assessing a few submissions and see how your scores compare to the original decision. Complete the activity below before moving on to the next factor.

Activity: Practice assessments

10 minutes

You are going to assess five examples of real submissions for the Writing evidence for Open Badge applications badge. Read through each and select how you score them for reflection. At the end of the activity your scores will be compared to those of an SSSC assessor.