Peer assessment tutorial

Everything you need to become a successful SSSC Open Badges peer assessor is included within this interactive tutorial. Completing the tutorial is a mandatory requirement of our peer assessor badge.

Get started


Learn how peer assessment works on SSSC Open Badges, its benefits to you and your role in other people's learning.

Rubric: Format

Learn how to assess a submission against the format factor from our rubric. Includes practice assessments.

Rubric: Reflection

Learn how to assess a submission against the reflection factor from our rubric. Includes practice assessments.

Rubric: Criteria

Learn how to assess a submission against the criteria for the badge. Includes practice assessments.

Rubric: Links to policy

Learn how to assess a submission against the links to policy factor from our rubric. Includes practice assessments.

Rubric: Engagement

Learn how to assess a submission against the engagement factor from our rubric. Includes practice assessments.

Observe an assessment

Follow an SSSC assessor as they use the rubric to score submissions from learners and hear them explain their rationale.

Your turn to assess

Use the rubric along with what you learned in this tutorial to assess 15 different evidence submissions for our badges.


Find out how you performed when it was your turn to assess and download your results report if you pass.