Peer assessment tutorial

Rubric: Links to policy

The next thing you will check an evidence submission for is whether the learner has made any connections between their learning and existing policies, frameworks, standards or legislation. The video below explains what to look for. Read the text and complete the practice assessments activity once you finish watching the video.

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The policy factor examines how well the learner understands the influence policies, procedures and guidance have on their practice and apply to what they have just learned about.

As assessors we are looking for learner to mention at least one policy, procedure, piece of legislation, code of practice, standard or even the last inspection report for their workplace. The important thing to look for is that they understand the connection between this and what they have just learned about.

You will be asked to choose between three options when assessing this factor; needs work, satisfactory and excellent. Below are a few indicators of what you should look for in making your decision.

Needs work indicators

In their evidence submission the learner makes no reference to any of the following:

  • their workplace polices or procedures
  • relevant legislation on the topic
  • national guidance or strategies
  • the SSSC Codes of Practice
  • the Health and Social Care Standards
  • the last inspection report for their workplace.

Satisfactory indicators

In their evidence submission the learner mentions at least one of the following and why it is relevant to what they have just learned about:

  • their workplace polices or procedures
  • relevant legislation on the topic
  • national guidance or strategies
  • the SSSC Codes of Practice
  • the Health and Social Care Standards
  • the last inspection report for their workplace.

Excellent indicators

  • Learner explains how they will use the policy mentioned to deliver significant improvements to their own practice.
  • Learner identifies something they can do to improve outcomes for people using their service and is clear about how they will achieve this.
  • Learner identifies improvements needed to their workplace policies and procedures because of what they have learned. They need to take responsibility for progressing these improvements.

Try assessing a few submissions and see how your scores compare to the original decision. Complete the activity below before moving on to the next factor.

Activity: Practice assessments

10 minutes

You are going to assess five examples of real submissions for the Informed about dementia badge. Read through each and select how you score them for links to policy. At the end of the activity your scores will be compared to those of an SSSC assessor.