Peer assessment tutorial

Rubric: Engagement

Lastly, you will check whether the learner has involved others the while undertaking the activities for the badge or shared what they learned. Some badges require this as part of their criteria. Watch the video, read the text and complete the practice assessments activity below to find out what to look for.

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The engagement factor considers the extent to which the badge applicant has involved other people in their learning or has assisted in the development of others.

As assessors we are looking for the submission to demonstrate the learner has spoken to other people, like their manager, during their learning to make sure they are on the right track. We would also be looking for evidence they encouraged or actively helped in the development of others by sharing what they learned or by promoting the learning resource within their workplace.

You will be asked to choose between three options when assessing this factor; needs work, satisfactory and excellent. Below are a few indicators of what you should look for in making your decision.

Needs work indicators

  • Learner does not appear to have discussed what they learned with anyone.
  • Learner has not promoted or raised awareness of the learning opportunity.
  • Learner mentions discussions with others but either in a historical context or in some other way irrelevant to their activities for this badge.

Satisfactory indicators

  • Learner has discussed their activities for this badge with either colleagues, their manager or tutor and has written something about this discussion.
  • Learner sought feedback from people using their service during the course of the learning and used this to inform how they can improve their practice.
  • Learner mentions at least one thing they will do to promote the learning resource to others.

Excellent indicators

  • Learner talks in some detail about the discussion they had.
  • Learner explains how the discussion influenced the actions they intend to take to improve their practice.
  • Learner takes the lead within their workplace to promote the same learning opportunity to others and has already encouraged people to take part.
  • Learner helps to encourage and facilitate discussions amongst others working towards the same badge.

Failing to achieve satisfactory will not necessarily result in a badge being declined. However, if an engagement activity is required by the badge criteria then not addressing this should result in a criteria fail.

Try assessing a few submissions and see how your scores compare to the original decision. Complete the activity below before moving on to watch an SSSC assessor work through all of the factors while they score applications for a badge.

Activity: Practice assessments

10 minutes

You are going to assess five examples of real submissions for the Writing evidence for Open Badge applications. Read through each and select how you score them for engagement. At the end of the activity your scores will be compared to those of an SSSC assessor.