Peer assessment tutorial

Rubric: Criteria

The evidence submitted by a learner when they apply for a badge needs to back up their claim they meet the criteria for it. Not achieving this is the most common reason why submissions fail. Watch the video, read the text and complete the practice assessments activity below to learn how to assess against the criteria factor.

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The criteria factor applies to the specific criteria of the badge being assessed. All badges have different criteria requiring the learner to undertake activities, answer questions and/or involve others in their learning.

As assessors we are looking for the submission to include all the required evidence the badge’s criteria asks for. Even experienced open badge collectors sometimes miss out a question or activity in their evidence. Not fully meeting the badge’s criteria is one of the most common reasons why submissions get returned to learners for additional work.

You will be asked to choose between three options when assessing this factor; needs work, satisfactory and excellent. Below are a few indicators of what you should look for in making your decision.

Needs work indicators

  • Questions asked within the badge criteria have not been answered.
  • Questions are partially answered or the response is not clear.
  • Supplemental evidence (if required) has not been provided.

Satisfactory indicators

  • Evidence clearly answers all questions in full.
  • Supplemental evidence (if required) has been provided.

Excellent indicators

  • Optional items from the badge criteria have been completed.
  • Learner uses badge criteria as headings and writes something under non-question activities confirming these have been completed.
  • Learner provides details eg dates when they completed these activities.

Failing to achieve a satisfactory score here means the submission will be returned to the applicant for more work regardless of how they score elsewhere.

Make sure you are familiar with the criteria before beginning your assessment – there will always be a link to it within the peer assessment screen.

Once again, try assessing a few submissions and see how your scores compare to the original decision. Complete the activity below before moving on to the next factor.

Activity: Practice assessments

10 minutes

You are going to assess five examples of real submissions for the Getting started with Open Badges badge. Read through each and select how you score them for criteria. At the end of the activity your scores will be compared to those of an SSSC assessor.