Peer assessment tutorial

Your turn to assess

Now you have completed all the video tutorials, it's your turn to put your knowledge of the rubric to the test by assessing 15 submissions for a variety of Open Badges. You will need to pass this exercise to be able to apply to become a peer assessor.

Download video

To pass you will need to score the submissions accurately.

There is no time limit for the activity, but you should aim to start and complete it without closing your web browser. Otherwise, your progress may not be saved.

You will be able to download your results as an Adobe PDF file if you pass. You will need to attach this document to your application for the Peer assessor badge.

If you do not pass, you will be allowed to review your decisions and attempt the exercise again.

Activity: Final assessment

1 hour

You are going to assess 15 submissions for a selection of SSSC Open Badges. Read through each submission carefully, score it against the rubric factors and offer feedback to the learner. Once you complete all 15 assessments you will be told whether you are ready to apply for our Peer assessor badge.

You must not disclose or discuss the content of these submissions with anyone else.