Peer asessment tutorial

Observe an assessment

Watch the video below to follow an SSSC assessor as they use the rubric to score submissions from learners and hear them explain their rationale for each score. Once you have finished, read the text below and complete the forum activity to get any questions you have about peer assessment answered.

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As you can see from the video, knowing the rubric is essential to being a peer assessor.

However, sometimes you will be presented with an evidence submission bordering between satisfactory and excellent for one or more factors. When this happens, you have the freedom to use your best judgement regarding how to score it. So long as you do not award a badge which clearly should not have been awarded then this is perfectly fine.

If you are ever in doubt about how to score something, you can post to the peer assessor discussion forum and get help and advice from SSSC staff and other assessors.

Complete the activity below to familiarize yourself with the discussion forum.

Activity: Get your questions answered

A discussion forum has been setup for people working through this tutorial. You can post questions to it and have them answered by SSSC staff and experienced peer assessors.

Step 1

Login to SSSC Open Badges if you are not already. Otherwise, the button to open the forum below will open a page telling you there is no forum found.

Step 2

Look through your notes and questions from the practice assessments. Is there anything you'd like to ask us? Open the forum and post your questions to have them answered. Please allow us seven days to respond to your questions.

Open discussion forum

Step 3
