Peer assessment tutorial

Rubric: Format

The first thing you will check an evidence submission for is its format. The video below explains what to look for. Read the text and complete the practice assessments activity once you finish watching the video.

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The format factor on the SSSC Open Badges rubric addresses the absolute basics someone needs to get right in their evidence submission.

As assessors we are looking for the submission to meet the minimum word count, be for the correct badge and not include any personally identifiable information about the applicant or anyone else.

You will be asked to choose between three options when assessing this factor; needs work, satisfactory and excellent. Below are a few indicators of what you should look for in making your decision.

Needs work indicators

  • Evidence submitted is irrelevant or for the wrong badge.
  • Evidence is inaccessible.
  • Minimum word count has not been met.
  • Any part of the evidence identifies the learner or someone else.

Satisfactory indicators

  • Evidence is accessible and relevant to the badge.
  • Minimum word counts for each question have been met.
  • Supporting documents (if required) have been supplied.
  • Nobody can be identified from the evidence provided.

Excellent indicators

  • Evidence submitted uses the badge criteria as headings.
  • Evidence is presented or written well.

Failing to achieve a satisfactory score here means the submission will be returned to the applicant for more work regardless of how they score elsewhere.

Now it is your turn to assess a few submissions and see how your scores compare to the original decision. Complete the activity below before moving on to the next factor.

Activity: Practice assessments

10 minutes

You are going to assess five examples of real submissions for the Writing evidence for Open Badge applications badge. Read through each and select how you score them for format. At the end of the activity, your scores will be compared to those of an SSSC assessor.