Peer assessment tutorial


Welcome to the SSSC Open Badges peer assessment tutorial. You are about to take your first steps towards becoming a peer assessor. Watch the introduction video, read the text and complete the activity below.

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Peer assessment is where learners assess each other’s work against a clear and specific framework. This means you will be assessing the applications other people submit for badges.

Each badge has a criteria setting the minimum standard expected and this is assessed against a framework we call the SSSC Open Badges rubric.

As a peer assessor you will never be asked to assess evidence for a badge you have not already achieved yourself and you will earn points for each application you assess. The process is completely anonymous and two other peer assessors will also examine evidence from the same badge application with a majority decision deciding whether to award a badge.

This is your chance to contribute to the development of the social services workforce as well as your own development.

To begin your journey as a peer assessor, download the rubric below.


Save a copy of the rubric. You will need to refer to this document as you progress through the tutorial and begin assessing evidence submissions for badges.