Practice assessments: Links to policy

Informed about dementia

In my line of work I deal with people living with dementia most days. I understand that everyone is different and try to look at their individual needs. I work with Community Alarms therefore I visit people in their homes who have either pressed their pendant or their door sensor has gone off and they have not answered their phone. Usually the person I visit is quite confused, agitated and feeling stressed as they don,t believe they are in their own home. In this situation I take the time to sit down and spent some time calming the person and reassuring them that they are at home and are safe. I find that holding their hand, speaking softly and slowly and making eye contact achieves this. Pointing out family photographs I find is another helpful aid in making the person feel better. I am aware that people living with Dementia have very differing needs and like to think that I have the experience and the natural ability to deal with each separate case to the best of my abilities. As I am not actually a care provider, I believe that I am able to ensure that the people I visit are in a far better place than they were until such time their care provider, or family member arrives.


Read the submission and choose from one of the options below. Write a sentence or two of feedback you would give the applicant to help them improve their next submission.