Practice assessments: Format

Writing evidence for Open Badge applications

As an Early years practioner, child development is critical in my working capacity. using the APP has given me a different way of questioning myself and how we do things in my setting. this app has made me think about how we do things and how we can change our setting to suit the Individual needs not only to support the developmental needs of the child but to ensure that the families and carers are fully engaged in the child's journey. Using this learning tool has prompt me to assess not only my skills and knowledge but to think about my settings practice in promoting child development. Although I was happy with most of my answers this app allowed me to see the holes in my learning.

I am going to take this learning forward by discussing with my manager my answers and what I have learned about this app and knowledge this has given me to work together and strengthen our team and learning process in a more cohesive and positive way. One of the areas the app drew my attention to was a weakness in in my setting was communication between co workers and I am going to take this to highlight areas needed looked at within our setting and hope sharing information relating to the child's development and learning journey will be stronger and more efficient. I hope that this will support the child's experiences and reflect a more consistent approach to expriences provided.


Read the submission and choose from one of the options below. Write a sentence or two of feedback you would give the applicant to help them improve their next submission.