Practice assessments: Engagement

Writing evidence for Open Badge applications

I was unsure as to how to go about this badge but the first thing that became clear is that evidence is crucial to obtaining a badge & that the way I gather & present the evidence is just as important. I learned that evidence can be gathered in many ways & it is important that I take my time to understand the evidence that I gather & I watched the video as instructed, several times & took notes to help me when it came time to submit my evidence. I soon realised that I needed to be clear & concise in writing my evidence as this will be seen by other people who will issue my badge & will be judged as well as my evidence. I have to understand the evidence I gather as it will help me in my future professional development & help me to build my knowledge & therefore improve my skills in my daily work and my dealing with the service users I work with. I learned that my evidence will be on display to my employers present or future as when a badge is awarded it opens a web page where all this is held. My evidence also counts towards my SSSC training & learning requirements so it is important that I find the many varied places where I can gather evidence it is all about being willing to put in the time & effort to search the various places available, this will differ with each badge I am researching. I found this teaching experience to be very helpful & it was simple & easy to follow as everything was set out in stages.

I downloaded the Open badges hints & tips on gathering evidence as suggested & found this to be a very helpful tool. After reading this I was I was more aware of the importance of spreading my learning over a period of time & not trying to cram too much in at the one time. I found it easier to put things into some sort of order if I returned to my notes with fresh eyes before submitting my evidence as I can then make changes if necessary. It also gave me the opportunity to discuss things in general with my senior & my colleagues. I feel this whole experience has taught me to stop, think & reflect on everything in the future.

I have come to understand the importance of talking & sharing in the workplace through this experience of learning about gathering evidence & I will be more likely to talk to my colleagues & encourage them to apply for this badge as it will help them as it has helped me to further understand the different ways of doing this & the many ways it will be a useful tool to them . I would show them my badge & explain how it is clearly displayed for the scrutiny of others & they will then see how important evidence is.


Read the submission and choose from one of the options below. Write a sentence or two of feedback you would give the applicant to help them improve their next submission.