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Social Services (Children and Young People)

Video: Case studies

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This video details people's experience of SVQs

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Video transcript:

What is your experience of SVQs?

Interviewee one

I completed my SVQ 3 in children's care, learning and development.

Interviewee two

I fully qualified in June 2012 SVQ level 2 and 3 and I did this at Dundee College.

Interviewee three

I am a candidate; I was a candidate doing my SVQ3.

How have SVQs helped you and your practice?

Interviewee three

I found the SVQ3 very beneficial as I was working in practice with professional qualified staff and ensure that my development and confidence improved.

Interviewee one

I think that through doing the SVQ I have become a much more confident practitioner. I was working the job everyday getting to know staff the children the parents and then I was able to go home at night doing my SVQ work and was able to reflect on what I have been doing during the day and the nursery. So I think it did help a lot. I had a great assessor she came in every 2 weeks and she observed me and looked over my work and gave me some feedback. It was a very positive experience. I did start at college but decided I wanted to do it more practically and that's when I came to work at little steps and decided to do my SVQ3.

Interviewee two

I really enjoyed doing my training in the nursery rather than being in college as it meant I got to get to know the children and seeing them growing up and seeing different development of them and working with them and then being able to go home and do my college work at home and then come into the nursery and work with my colleagues and they would also always help me and plan activities which meant I was more confident when my assessor came.

What are the benefits to service users and the workplace of SVQs being in place?

Interviewee one

I think that is important that staff are qualified that they are going through their training for me personally working at little steps I was able to see the children's progress so when I did become qualified I was confident where the children were at I was confident with dealing with the parents and also working as part of a team I knew the staff I was working with very well. I think that it does make it a much more positive experience for the children they had a good relationship with myself because I was being here doing my studies.

Interviewee two

I find it benefits the children if the staff uses there methods and if the staff all using the same techniques.

Interviewee three

The staff are very much part of the workplace when they are working towards their SVQ they are very much part of the team, the children develop relationships with the staff the staff can see children's development and their progress in the centre.

When staff are qualified the service definitely improves because the standards that SVQ3 have, it is not only performance but knowledge that the staff gain.

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