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Enhanced dementia practice for social workers

Personal outcomes - developing your practice

Watch the second film clip of Ellen, Caroline and Shirley and consider the questions at the bottom of the page.

Video: Ellen and Caroline's story

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Video transcript: Ellen and Caroline's story

Shirley - Ok Mrs Banks, let me just check I have got this right. We have talked about you not being able to get home from the day centre when you want to, and how frustrated that makes you feel. We have also talked about how much you enjoy shopping, cooking and being with your friends.

Caroline - I didn't realise she was missing those things so much. I thought I was making things easier by doing the shopping and cooking for her.

Shirley - In some ways that's true; and you are a great support. But your mum still wants to do all she can.

Would it help if you and I had a talk together about how you are coping being a carer for your mum.

Caroline - Yes. I think it would.

Shirley - Right Mrs Banks, back to you.


  1. Caroline was unaware that her mother missed the friends and activities she'd most enjoyed. How can you support or facilitate Ellen to re-engage with valued contacts and retain or regain her skills?
  2. What impact may re-engagement have on outcomes for Ellen, and for Caroline?
  3. What role might self-directed support have in Ellen's situation and how might it be used creatively to address the outcomes Ellen would prefer?
  4. How might a 'reablement - type' approach make a difference?
  5. How might better outcomes for Ellen contribute to less stress for Caroline?
  6. What factors are described as contributing to Ellen's distress at the Day Centre? Put yourself in Ellen's shoes and consider how you might feel in her situation.

You can download the question paper to write and save your answers. You'll need Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer to use the question paper.

We will return to Ellen in the Health and Wellbeing section.

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