Breach of confidentiality

Your cousin, Kay, tells you that she had an argument with her partner at the weekend that got “a bit out of hand” so a neighbour called the police because she was concerned about Kay’s children. The police attended with a member of the social work Out Of Hours team, who are based in the same building as your team. Kay has been asked to attend an assessment meeting there later this week

Please listen to the audio content and decide what to do from the available options.

What's your next step?

Option 1: You wait to see who is assigned your cousin’s case on the social work data base and will speak to them about your connection once the case is assigned.

Click here to take this action

Option 2: You make your line manager aware of the situation and highlight the potential conflict of interest/professional boundaries issues.

Click here to take this action.

Option 3: You access Kay’s records on the social work data base system to find out what has been happening.

Click here to take this action