
I'm sorry, you’ve made the wrong decision.

Here are some points that you need to consider. You should have included these in your reflective activity.

  • You are making a mistake by advising Derek the website is safe to order from. You cannot always determine the legitimacy of a website from a padlock in the web browser address bar. This can be easily obtained by any website owner – even a fraudster.
  • The website Derek ordered from was fraudulent.
  • However, you have done the right thing by promptly contacting your finance department/bank to inform them of what has happened and by asking them to do everything they can to reverse the transaction. This reduces your risk of financial loss.
  • You need to do more learning to develop a better understanding of how previous training can be forgotten or become outdated. The online safety and security training opportunity offered an opportunity to refresh existing knowledge and introduce important information about new online threats and how to protect against them. This could have protected both you and Derek from internet fraud.
  • You need to make sure your team attend online safety and security training regularly. The advice provided by such training evolves and adapts to the threats we face and what was best practice several years ago can be dangerous today.

When online safety and security training was offered, the right thing to do was accept the invitation. Find out why this was the right thing to do here.

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