
Well done, you made the correct decision. However, there are some points where you could have improved.

In your reflective activity, you should have covered the points below.

  • You did the right thing when you chose three random words as a password for your new SocialBook account. This is in line with the current guidelines from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
  • Had you chosen a weaker password, your account and anyone who relies on it for information would have been placed at unnecessary risk.
  • You made a mistake by not accepting the invite for your team to receive additional online safety and security training. They may still be using shorter and complex passwords for their own accounts based on outdated advice. They could be reusing the same password across multiple accounts or writing them down because they aren’t aware of the risks involved.
  • You need to make sure your team attend online safety and security training regularly. The advice provided by such training evolves and adapts to the threats we face and what was best practice several years ago can be dangerous today.

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