
Well done, you made the correct decision. However, there are some points where you could have improved.

In your reflective activity, you should have covered the points below.

  • You did the right thing when you told Derek the padlock in the web browser address is no guarantee the website is legitimate. While communications to and from the website and his computer are encrypted, anyone can easily obtain a padlock for their website – even fraudsters.
  • Had you accepted the invite for training on online safety and security for your staff, Derek would have been able to make this judgement by himself without requiring your intervention.
  • Had Derek not approached you, he may have proceeded ordering the PPE from a fraudulent website resulting in a financial loss and a risk your team could be left short of vital equipment.
  • You need to make sure your team attend online safety and security training regularly. The advice provided by such training evolves and adapts to the threats we face and what was best practice several years ago can be dangerous today.

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