
I'm sorry, you've made the wrong decision.

Here are some points that you need to consider. You should have included some of these in your reflective activity:

  • You have made a mistake. Telling Bob that it is his word against yours is not the correct action to take. Trying to resolve the situation this way, without involving your manager, might make matters worse.
  • The best thing to do now would be to contact your manager to explain what has happened. You should acknowledge that you realise having the conversation outside of work was wrong and explain that you are concerned about Bob’s behaviour.
  • You need to revisit the SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and make sure that you really understand them.
  • It is essential to remember that all social service workers are expected to create and maintain the trust and confidence of people who use services and carers.
  • An important part of upholding public trust and confidence in social services is ensuring that you do not abuse the trust of people who use services or carers, or the access you have to personal information about them.
  • You must respect confidential information and know your employer’s policies on confidentiality. Service users have the right to expect that they will have their privacy and confidentiality upheld by social service workers.
  • You need to recognise and use responsibly the power that comes from your work with service users and carers. You are expected to respect and maintain the dignity and privacy of service users. A breach of a service user’s confidentiality may put them at risk of harm.
  • You need to recognise and use responsibly the power that comes from your work with service users and carers. You are expected to respect and maintain the dignity and privacy of service users. A breach of a service user’s confidentiality may put them at risk of harm.
  • The mistakes you have made could call into question your suitability to be a social services worker. Diane, her family, or a member of the public could make a complaint about your actions.

When Bob began to talk about Diane outside of work, the correct action to take was to tell Bob right away that you should not discuss this further until you both returned to work. Click here to find out why this was the correct option.

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