Module 5 - Assessment


Module 5 Assessment

In this module, you were introduced to some of the fundamentals of assessment as it relates to digital learning design & were provided with a model for using digital badges to assess and give credit for digital learning.

We’d like you to take a piece of learning you have designed, or are responsible for supporting, and create a new assessment model for that learning based on what you have learned here.

You should:

  • provide a brief description of the learning resource (providing a link to it, if possible) and provide a detailed description of the assessment task(s) for the learner,
  • identify which type of assessment you have created (ie Assessment of Learning/For Learning/As learning),
  • detail how your assessment supports application of learning in practice,
  • detail how you will provide/manage feedback for learners as part of the assessment process.

This written account should be a minimum of 1000 words.

Once completed - you should apply for your Open Badge. Use the link below to got there.

Visit Open Badge