Medicines vary in form and can be given by a number of different routes. The form and route by which they are given will depend on:

  • the effect required
  • how the person’s body is able to absorb the medicine
  • the person’s ability to take the medicine
  • the forms in which the prescribed medicine is available.

The same medicine can be made in different forms. For example, if a localised area of skin requires treatment, a steroid can be given in the form of a cream or ointment.

If a more generalised treatment is required, the steroid can be given orally or by injection or inhalation.

The most common routes of administration that you are likely to come across are:

  • by mouth
  • inhaled
  • into eye, ear or nose
  • onto the skin.

Some routes require specific training prior to administration by that method.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have had the appropriate training to enable you to do this competently and confidently.