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As a worker who is new to a social care role you bring valuable experience, values, knowledge and skills with you.

This resource provides links to information to help you, together with your line manager or supervisor, to identify your induction learning needs and access relevant guidance and learning resources to complement your existing skills and the mandatory learning required by organisation.

We will add more content over the next few months, so please come back to find what else we have for you.

The learning content is also relevant for personal assistants (PA). PAs should discuss and make decisions around what learning content is relevant with your employer.

Steps for using the National Induction Framework

It's important to decide if you are using the National Induction Framework to support your induction or just for CPL purposes. Discuss this with your manager and then move onto step 2.

We have developed a Learning Assessment Tool which will help your manager show you what parts of the NIF you should complete. Once your manager has identified the content on this platform that you should complete, move onto step 2. You can view the learning assessment tool below, but this should be completed by your manager or supervisor. A link to it can be found below:

Access the learning assessment tool

The content on this site is setup under two categories:

If you are using the NIF as part of your induction, please ensure you work through the Foundations of Practice, then move onto any Areas of Practice that supports your specific line of work.

If there is any content you would like to see that is currently not on the National Induction Framework, please ask your manager to direct you to the appropriate resources. If you, or your employer would like to see any resources added to the National InductioN Framework, please suggest this in the feedback.

As you work through the content, it is important to record your learning so they can support your induction and your CPL. You can record your evidence however you wish. We recommend using the MyLearning application to support your ongoing CPL but your manager can recommend other ways to record your learning if you prefer.

Once you have completed any modules that were identified on the NIF, and any additional mateiral from your employers, record your learning. Please also consider the NIF Open Badges that are available, as these can be shared with future employers.

Select the area you would like to visit

Foundations of Practice

Essential learning for your induction or CPL.

See learning

Areas of Practice

Additional learning to support your induction or CPL.

See learning

If you are a Personal Assistant (PA)

Please use the PA tile below to access additional resources which may be useful for your role.

Resources for PAs

Learning for Personal Assistants.

See learning


This resource will be continued to be adapted and updated to suit the needs of the workforce through consultation with stakeholders.

If you have any feedback you would like to provide, please consider using the following link to provide feedback on how we can improve this service. Thank you.

Visit Feedback
