What happens next ...

You decided to tell Gary that you will follow this up during the shift and delegated the task to Lesley, asking her to speak to Eileen. You asked Lesley to give you an update.

As your shift is nearly complete, you are preparing a report for the handover to the workers who are about to come on duty. You ask Lesley to give you the update on Eileen.

Play the video, then decide what you should do next by choosing from one of the three options below.

What's your next step?

Option 1: You explain to the workers on the next shift that Eileen appeared to be quieter than usual earlier in the day, so suggest that someone from the shift coming on duty speaks to her to find out if anything is wrong.

Click here to take this action.

Option 2: You explain to the workers on the next shift that Eileen has been quieter than usual and why it was not possible to follow this up during your shift. You leave an instruction that someone from the next shift must speak to Eileen and record any concerns that she has.

Click here to take this action.

Option 3:You decide that as Eileen has seemed fine and workers have not raised any concerns during your shift there is no need to follow this up. You are aware that everyone is entitled to have quieter days if they want and it is important for workers to respect this.

Click here to take this action.