What happens next ...

You decided that Eileen is likely to tell Gary if there is a problem and ask Gary to be aware of any comments that Eileen makes.

Two weeks later, you are in your office catching up on paperwork when Lesley, a relief support worker, telephones you from Eileen’s living area.

Please listen to what Lesley tell you and decide what you should do next from the three options below.

What's your next step?

Option 1: You ask Lesley to discuss this with Gary as he is likely to have a better understanding of the issues and knows more about Eileen than you do so can suggest the best way to support and comfort her.

Click here to take this action.

Option 2: You go to speak to Eileen to find out what is upsetting her and tell Lesley to ensure that she records what has happened in Eileen’s file.

Click here to take this action.

Option 3: You tell Lesley that she must respect Eileen’s wish to be left alone, however, you will speak to Eileen later that day to ask why she was upset.

Click here to take this action.