Cyber resilience

Several weeks pass since you created the SocialBook account and you are meeting with your deputy manager before you go off on annual leave. You intend to hand control of the account over to her but each time you login a six-digit code is sent to your mobile phone and she will need this code alongside your password to login. This is called two-factor-authentication (2FA). Play the video and then decide what to do next. Please choose one of the three options below.

What's your next step?

Option 1: You give the deputy manager your work phone to enable them to access the account.

Click here to take this action

Option 2: You set up Two Factor Authentication on the deputy manager's phone while you are on holiday, so they get the code instead.

Click here to take this action

Option 3: YYou turn off the 2FA to enable the deputy manager to access the account with only the password.

Click here to take this action