Dilemmas about choices

After the discussion with Isobel you respect her wishes not to have personal care at every visit. However, as you are concerned, you ask her care workers to continue to offer this every time.

A few weeks later you get a telephone call from Wendy, Isobel’s granddaughter, asking if she can come to see you regarding some concerns she has about Isobel’s care. You arrange to meet her that afternoon.

Please play the video to see this meeting. After you have watched it, please lick on the option that describes the action you should take.

What's your next step?

Option 1: You speak to the worker who was supporting Isobel, who confirms that she offered Isobel personal care, but Isobel was clear that she did not want it so she respected her choice.

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Option 2: You speak to Isobel and Wendy to get more information. You also speak to the worker who was supporting Isobel and review the care plan. You investigate further if required.

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Option 3: You explain to Wendy that you have discussed this with Isobel and she has made her wishes clear so the worker was respecting this.

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