Dilemmas about choices

After the discussion with Isobel you reduce the service to going to her three times a week to respect her wishes. A few weeks later, you receive a telephone call from Isobel’s GP, Dr Pringle, regarding Isobel.

Please play the video to hear what Dr Pringle tells you. After you have listened to this, click on the option that describes the action you should take.

What's your next step?

Option 1: Due to the GP’s concerns, you reinstate the daily support for Isobel and thank the GP for contacting you.

Click here to take this action

Option 2: You visit Isobel to find out more. You liaise with other professionals and you arrange a review of her care needs including possible referral for assessments. You also contact her family.

Click here to take this action.

Option 3: You acknowledge and share Dr Pringle’s concerns but explain that you have discussed this with Isobel and she is clear that she does not want personal care every day, so you are respecting her choices.

Click here to take this action