Dilemmas about choices

You decided to contact Margareta, the district nurse to tell her that your workers were respecting Isobel’s choice regarding personal care. A few weeks later, Sheila who is part of the team supporting Isobel asks if she can have a word with you in private. She looks concerned so you take her into your office.

Please play the video to hear what Sheila has to tell you. After you have watched the video, click on the option that describes the action that you should take.

What's your next step?

Option 1: You explain that this has already been discussed with Amy and is on the agenda for Isobel’s next care review due in 3 weeks.

Click here to take this action

Option 2: You investigate why Isobel does not want to have personal care. You visit to Isobel to find out why she was not accepting personal care in the last two weeks and see if she requires medical assistance.

Click here to take this action.

Option 3: You explain that Isobel’s choice has to be respected as she has capacity to make decisions regarding her care.

Click here to take this action