Dilemmas about choices

You decided to respect Isobel’s decision not to have a shower and to continue to offer her support for personal care whenever you are visiting her.

One day, as you are about to leave your team office, your manager, Lindsay, asks to speak to you about Isobel.

Please play the video below and when you have watched it, choose the option that describes the action you should take.

What's your next step?

Option 1: You confirm that you offered Isobel personal care on every occasion, but Isobel was clear that she did not want it so you respected her choice.

Click here to take this action

Option 2: You explain that Isobel has been refusing personal care at your last few visits, therefore you have not seen the bed sores. You acknowledge that you should have raised concerns before now.

Click here to take this action.

Option 3: You say that you recorded Isobel’s refusals on each occasion so that her keyworker, Amy, should be able to raise any concerns if necessary.

Click here to take this action