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Enhanced dementia practice for inspectors

Case studies

Mrs Wright

Case study 1 - Mrs Wright

The Care Inspectorate received a complaint concerning the support of a resident in a care home, Mrs Wright. A concerned daughter who visited recently from abroad has written to complain that there has been "inappropriate supervision" offered to her mother, a lady of 76 years of age.

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Mr Black

Case study 2 - Mr Black

Mr Black has been living in a care home for five months. He has a diagnosis of dementia and transient ischemic attacks. His support and care needs vary, he can be very mobile and able, while other days he needs more support, reassurance and care.

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Miss Teal

Case study 3 - Miss Teal

Miss Teal was admitted into the specialist dementia unit of a seventy bedded care home. Before being admitted to the care home Miss Teal had been in hospital, following a car accident.

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