Child development

Child development

Holistic view of child development and learning

Features of highly-effective practice

Assessment 2

Look at the grid below and consider what the features of highly-effective practice are in your own setting. Tick each of the features which are in your own setting. Challenge yourself to ask the questions.

Discuss your responses with your manager once you complete this activity.

Challenge questions

  • To what extent are the GIRFEC principles reflected in the work of our setting? What actions do we need to take to make further improvements? How well do we use information about children’s wellbeing to support their care, learning and development?
  • How explicitly is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child understood and embedded in our practice?
  • How well do practitioners understand attachment theory and its impact on future development and learning.
  • What methods do we use to make sure information is shared effectively about children’s wellbeing between parent/carers and practitioners?
  • How do we make sure important principles including consistency, dignity and privacy when supporting children and their personal care? What other important principles should we be considering?
  • How well do practitioners take account of national documents and guidance that impact on early learning and childcare? For example Building the Ambition?
  • How do we make sure that all practitioners undertake regular professional learning around legislation, statutory requirements, national and local guidance and codes of practice?
  • Have we successfully established an inclusive learning environment and setting?
  • How welcome and included do all children, parents/carers and partners feel. How do we know?
  • To what extent has creating an ethos and culture of inclusion and participation been successful in supporting children to make very good progress? How can this be strengthened?