Archived: Originally published on 15 March 2018. There will be no further updates to this Open Educational Resource.

Planning for the future

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Intelligence-led business planning

With an increasingly involved and agile workforce and the ongoing use of insights from those who use services, more meaningful strategic workforce planning becomes possible.

We may start to see commissioning and operational business planning joining up more and become based not on political or short-term financial considerations but on strategic, workforce-centred workforce planning. This would mean supply and demand data could become better aligned to other parts of the business, with systems that communicate with each other and have better coordinated HR, organisational development and finance functions.

Resources and signposting

Drawing on the NHS Six Step approach, the following practical guide sets out one approach to workforce planning and demonstrates logic on how the process will lead to change in the medium term through intelligence-led business planning. It notes one of the pitfalls is not listening properly to people who use services.

Workforce Intelligence: The SSSC produces workforce data, information and intelligence for employers and other stakeholders that supports the development of the sector: This intelligence, including workforce profiles and trends can support organisations in their workforce planning activity.

The SSSC Workforce Skills Report (WSR) offers an overview of key skills challenges for the sector. The findings echo the messages SSSC has regularly heard from employers, frontline workers and learning and development staff. The Workforce Skills Report is a recurring publication, reflecting changing conditions in, or which influence, the sector.

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Planning for the future by the Scottish Social Services Council is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at