Archived: Originally published on 15 March 2018. There will be no further updates to this Open Educational Resource.

Planning for the future

Home | Theory of change | View from 2025 | Outcomes | Touchpoints | Resources

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S Y S T E M T O U C H P O I N T S S Y S T E M T O U C H P O I N T S S Y S T E M T O U C H P O I N T S S Y S T E M T O U C H P O I N T S Improved outcomes for people Improved, sustainable, business performance Skilled, confident, agile workforce Supported workforce of the future W orkforce -centred workforce planning Intelligence led business planning Cultural integration Feedback loops HR policies Brokerage roles Recruitment and retention Regulation / national guidance Values, knowledge, attributes Appraisal / CPD Digital literacies Service redesign Influence education Unpaid workforce Appreciative inquiries Horizon scanning Innovation enablement Systems leadership practices T ime, tools and space Learning and personal development T rust, vision, values Involving people W orkforce mapping E f fective leadership and management W orkforce: V alued contributors

In 2011, The Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services was clear that health and social care services should be firmly integrated around the needs of individuals, with high quality collaborative leadership and underpinned by flexibility based on the needs of the people they serve – rather than the organisations through which they are delivered. Within Scotland’s new integrated health and social care landscape this is hugely important and very challenging.

Scotland’s social services sector provides essential care and support to thousands of people every day. The way that care and support is provided continues to change, with many social, political and technological variables likely to impact on our planning for services. These variables present both opportunities and challenges for the sector and while it may be difficult to predict future workforce requirements, much can be done to plan and develop a workforce that will respond to the opportunities and meet the challenges. If we want to move to a time when health and social care is genuinely integrated, workforce planning must guide the journey.

Planning for the future is designed on the basis that people should be at the centre of planning, maximising the skills and competences of the workforce and the expertise of those who receive support. It brings together a range of materials to assist anyone interested in workforce planning in the social services sector, including the dimensions of health and social care integration. The resource includes:

This Open Educational Resource (OER) can also be customised by organisations according to needs and preferences.

Who is this resource for?

Anyone wanting to involve more people in planning for the future!

However, in particular:

How to use the interactive map

The interactive map has been developed to provide quick and easy access to the content in this resource. Each topic on the map acts as a link enabling you to go directly to the information on that topic. Although the map has been designed to help you to go to the topic which is most relevant to you we recommend that you click the central location labelled ‘workforce centred planning’ as a starting point for learning about the theory which underpins the resource.

From the centre of the map the lines branch out to provide eight pathways of related topics. Tackling the pathway themes can support you to achieve the outcomes identified at the end of each pathway.

The tabs at the top of the homepage are fixed and are constant for each page of the resource.

Planning for the future by the Scottish Social Services Council is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at