Case recording

Fiona recognised the problem and while she hasn’t backdated records, she now keep her client records up to date.

Mrs Reid contacts Fiona’s line manager to express complaints about Mr Reid’s care and lack of contact from Fiona. While investigating the complaint, Ruth’s manager notices that there are no records of visits.

Please listen to the audio and then watch the video and decide what to do from the available options.

What's your next step?

Option 1: Fiona tells her line manager that Mrs Reid makes complaints a lot and that this problem has already been addressed.

Click here to take this action

Option 2: Fiona accepts that she has not kept accurate records of visits or complaints that have been raised. Fiona agrees to undertake appropriate training.

Click here to take this action.

Option 3: Fiona is able to show from her diary, the dates that she did visit but detailed records of them have not been made.

Click here to take this action